AIMS Meeting [Annual International (bio)Medical Students Meeting] is the largest biomedical conference in Europe organized entirely by medical students, gathering each year over a thousand participants from all the world.

It is held annually in Lisboa, Portugal and is advocated by the Faculty of Medicine of the Lisbon Students’ Local Committee.

AIMS Meeting highlights the importance of medical education for all students of health sciences through a diverse approach and is a platform to build bridges between biomedical students around the world.


Founded in 2009, AIMS Meeting was first recognized as ENJOY Med (Encontro Nacional de Jovens Estudantes de Medicina – National Young Medical Students Meeting), and was meant for all students attending health science courses. By the 3rd edition, the congress expanded internationally, calling for a name change that would allow it to be recognized globally. As it developed further every year, new goals were set and accomplished. Namely, during the 8th edition, a grand milestone was reached as a record of 750 participants were received at the AIMS Meeting.

Since its conception, AIMS Meeting has steadily increased its visibility and dimension, being known for its panel of exquisite quality, frequently composed of Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry, Peace or Physiology or Medicine, as well as physicians or researchers renowned in their respective fields of (bio)medical knowledge.

9th Edition

March 16th – 18th 2018

3 Days – 750 Participants – 119 International Students – 18 Countries – 67 Workshops

10th Edition

March 14th – 17th 2019

4 Days – 941 Participants – 119 International Students – 35 Countries – 87 Workshops

11th Edition

March 26th – 29th 2020

4 Days – 1250 Participants

March 16th 2018
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March 17th 2018
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March 18th 2018
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March 15th 2019
March 16th 2019
March 17th 2019

AIMS Meeting 2021 took place between the 18th and 21st of March 2021.

We welcomed 1346 participants on a virtual format due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Renowned Lecturers included Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jonathan Patz, Nobel in Physiology or Medicine Prize Laureate Jules Hoffmann and Rosalind Picard.

The three thematic modules explored in this edition were:

  • Global Health Threats: A Ticking Clock
  • Life’s Commander: Understanding the Brain
  • Ongoing Evolution: Enhance and Restore


AIMS Meeting 2022 took place from the 10th-13th of March 2022 and welcomed over 1100 participants from 19 different countries and 4 continents.

Amongst an extraordinary panel of speakers, we had the privilege to present as Keynote Lecturers Professor John O’Keefe (Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 2014) and Professor Brian Kobilka (Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry in 2012).

The lectures were organized in the following three thematic modules:

  • Reaching Balance: Nature vs Nurture, on the fields of nutrition and endocrinology.
  • Custom-Made: Tailored Healthcare, about the discoveries and applications of personalized medicine.
  • The Day After: A New Beginning, regarding the effects and consequences of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.

